Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Here we go again.

An interesting couple of days. On Monday we were on the Bristol Road South standing on the central reservation for a photo shoot. Sue managed to get there between 2 Advice Desks. Our local Labour Councillor was supposed to do the second one but didn't turn up. Sue went along just in case, just as well really. The central reservation has been cleared of overgrown shrubs and we actually found some nice trees in there. The area was a magnet for litter and rats were nesting in there. John Scott who is chairman of the Loynells Rd Residents Association asked us to get the work done. All we did was find some money for it from the Great Park Section 106 funds.
On Tuesday Keith went to Northfield fire station for the launch of Northfield Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) which is offering cost price/free cavity wall insulation and loft insulation in Northfield. It is free to over 60s and people on benefit, we think, check for details. John Lines was there to do the launch along with some rather keen photographers. Luckily one of them was Nick from the Bromsgrove Standard who took the photos on Monday.
Sue was at the Town Hall for the launch of the Extra Care Village charity appeal. There are plans to build one at Egghill and talks about one at Cofton Hackett on the former MG/Rover site there.
Later we met up at Forestdale School for the handover of the project to the Landscape practise Group and Thomas Vale who will firm up the quote. It looks at about £500K. The project has grown like Topsy and finding the money will be hard work but we believe so much in the Park that we are determined to succeed.