Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Rape & pillage....well the Northfield carnival.

After an advice centre at the offices of New Birmingham in Frankley Parish Council- they get a bit antsy if you don't give them their full title, don't they Roger?- Sue & Keith went into Northfield to have a look at the carnival in Victoria Common. It was a lovely day despite the morning's rain and there were loads of people there. We have some photos for you. The first one if of a re-enactment society that rejoices in the name of the Svartland Vikings. Ther re-enact the Vikings in the period when they had given up raiding and had settled in Britain. The big bloke in the photo is Andy Dimmock. Andy is one of our Constituency Engineers and as you know we are very careful about naming and posting photos of Council officers but in this case Andy is quite happy to be shown in his off-duty pursuits. The other guy is from Peterborough and his group show the lives of the Vikings who founded Russia. Russ is the word for strangers and this is how Russia got its name. The slightly shorter one in the middle is demonstating why so many Vikings went cross-eyed and is re-enacting the life of a modern day Councillor....or something.
There are also a couple of crowd scenes.