Wednesday, 19 September 2007

The end of spin? don't Panesar it.

Both of us went to a lunchtime seminar on the new Local Area Agreement which is being formulated for next year. Typical New Labour-speak with lots of buzz words and catch phrases signifying nothing. First it was said that the pot of money for the Strategic Partnership would increase, then it emerged that some of the money would be existing funds along with existing responsibilities then it was said next years government grant would be very tight. In English Gordon Brown will announce more money but it will in fact be less. Spin anyone?
Later that evening we had the Longbridge Ward Committee. Our Labour Councillor was again conspicuous by his absence but the MP managed to turn up.
It was a brief but pleasant meeting including presentations to the contestants in the Frankley Garden competition. As the meeting was notable for the swiftness of proceedings Keith, as chairman, opened up the meeting for comments and complaints and a few points were sorted out to every-ones satisfaction.
Tomorrow morning we are off to help out in Brandwood before a series of meetings taking up most of the day and evening.

1 comment:

Praguetory said...

Best of luck in Brandwood.